Psychosynthesis is a psychology of hope, with its eye not only on history, but also on a purposeful future giving individuals the capacity to reorient their lives in the direction of meaning and values. Psychosynthesis has also been described as a psychology of the Self, in that the realms of human experience also include matters of soul and spirit, alongside physical and emotional experiences and thoughts and mental processes.
Behind our many identifications resides a deeper knowledge of Self that can be felt, nurtured and strengthened with compassionate attention, a process Dr. Roberto Assagioli referred to as ‘Disidentification’. It is the action of attending to this more integral sense of Self – that includes both the uniquely personal and the transpersonal – that lies at the heart of Psychosynthesis practice.
Dr. Assagioli, the founding father of Psychosynthesis psychology, stressed the importance of the human ‘impulse towards wholeness’ and of the longing and striving for a more authentic and truer experience of Self, recognising the unfolding potential inherent in that. And as that conscious connection to Self becomes more integrated, the relationship inevitably extends beyond the personal to a sense of connection and responsibility too for the ‘greater whole’ – whether that is expressed in terms of the planet, our ecological footprint, community, our contribution to something of meaning or our interconnectedness with all things.
Personal crises and difficulties and the inevitable resonance with past wounding will often spark a desire to explore the psychological and relational worlds more deeply and with greater purpose. Working within a Psychosynthesis framework the focus will concurrently be on what might be unfolding at the level of soul, spirit and Self that these opportunities bring. Holding open the often unexpected creative possibilities inherent in what ‘may yet be’ or what is attempting to make itself known – The Self.
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Podcast: What is Psychosynthesis?
Roger H Evans, Co-founder The Institute of Psychosynthesis
As a basic introduction to Psychosynthesis this podcast describes this unique approach to psychology developed by Dr. Roberto Assagioli.